Tuesday, December 16, 2008

HBO final Session

Emotional intelligence for me is an striking the right balance between the heart and the brain The first step towards an effective group starts with our ownself.Emotional intelligence at a personal level is understanding and recognizing your feelings but at the same time regulating the way one reacts. Once we are able to achieve that the next stpe is understanding the emotions of other people in the group and regulating them. If we are able to achieve both these things it'll pave way for an effective individual and an effective group.
              Personally i fell i am able to come to terms with my emtions and am able to regulate them effectively. But when it comes to understanding the emotions of other people in the group i have a distance to go as far as regulating the emotions of other people in the group is concerned. So the first step towards developing this capabitlity is to start with my own CAN group. During this break i am going to sit down and give a thought about the emotions of all the people in the group. I need to understand how i could have handled situations better had i understood the emotions of the people in the CAN group. I hope this would help me drive the group towards an effective group.

What do you think the professor should stop doing? 

In my opinion HBO is one of the most important subjects that iam learning in my MBA. After all soft skills are one of the most important skill set of a manager. However I feel that the course cramped in one week and back to back sessions kills the interest after the third day. We can do more justice to the learning and the course had it been spread out. More role plays than theory sessions would increase the learning curve.

What do you think I should keep doing? 
The courser content is very informative and the readings are very relevant so it should be continueed in its present format.

What do you think I should start doing
Encourage more class participation. Areas of improvement could be given to the people during the course rather than after the course so that the feedback can be implemented. The progress towards the area of improvement would be a very valuable feedback at the end of the course.

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